Classes & Tutoring
Book a Tutoring Session

There are currently no open enrollment classes. Tutoring is available for individuals and groups.

Private Tutoring

Private Tutoring

$75 - approximately 1 hour

Students, please select this service to schedule your tutoring time online. These are one on one sessions including all applicable handouts and materials. These are for personal courses of study and additional time from class sessions.

If you are interested in beginning private tutoring, please contact me.

Delivered via video call or as text chat. Video calls can be recorded for you to keep. Please note how you would like your reading delivered in the Appointment Notes when you book.

Book a Tutoring Session

Astrology Tutoring

$75 - approximately 1 hour

General astrology tutoring and assitance. Book this service if you are working on astrology and need some assitance. Whether you are working through natal charts, horary reading, electional astrology, zodiacal releasing, progressions, solar arcs, or other techniques, I am happy to help you work through your astrology questions.

Book your Tutoring Session

Tarot Tutoring

$75 - approximately 1 hour

General tarot tutoring and assitance. Book this service if you are working on learning or reading tarot and need some assitance. I can help you unravel the associations with the symbols in the tarot, the history of the numerological associations, how tarot connects with astrology, qabbala, and much more.

Book your Tutoring Session

You can use the Private Tutoring service and book a session for any of these subjects. You can get together with friends to split the cost and share the class.

  • Astrology: Natal, Electional, Horary, and Traditional & Modern Methods
  • Chakras
  • Divination in general
  • Energy Skills: Cleansing
  • Energy Skills: Grounding & Centering
  • Energy Skills: Meditation
  • Energy Skills: Protection
  • Geomancy
  • Heathenry
  • Herbs & Wortcunning
  • Journaling and Magical Record Keeping
  • Paganism
  • Palmistry
  • Pendulums
  • Ritual Skills
  • Runes, History & Bindrunes
  • Sigils
  • Spell Craft
  • Tarot
  • Traditional Witchcraft

Classes and Tutoring happen in an interactive video chat room, accessible via mobile or desktop platforms. Recordings of the class are available to participants afterwards unless otherwise noted. Recordings are optional for private sessions.